Why Carbon Direct?




Jessica Walkenhorst, PhD

Jessica Walkenhorst, PhD

Staff Research Data Scientist

Data Science + Machine Learning + Natural Language Processing

Dr. Jessica Walkenhorst combines her research background and industrial data science and machine learning expertise to build climate-relevant data and machine learning based software tools for internal and external customers.

Dr. Jessica Walkenhorst works at the intersection of data science, machine learning and climate.

Before Carbon Direct, she worked at an electric vehicle start-up, building design-optimization software and prior to this led one of the UK’s big six utility companies’ data science research efforts. She obtained her PhD in Spain, where she researched how to combine computational spectroscopy with optimal control theory to optimize optical properties of atoms and molecules.

Jessica is heavily involved in London’s data-science scene, where she co-organizes London’s PyData Meetup and regularly volunteers at DataKind’s hackathon weekends.


PhD, Physics
University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain

Dipl-Phys (MSc, Physics)
University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany


FPU Mobility Grant 2014 (Spanish Ministry of Education) 

FPU Scholarship 2011 (Spanish Ministry of Education) 

PIF Scholarship 2010 (University of the Basque Country)

IPICyT Research Scholarship 2008 (IPICyT, Mexico)

DAAD Travel Grant 2008 (DAAD, Germany)