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Long-term success: Carbon removal strategies

Carbon removal, particularly durable solutions, is crucial for meeting global climate targets. However, the current voluntary carbon market lacks sufficient high-quality, durable solutions.

To meet the challenge, some private sector leaders are investing in multi-year purchasing, focusing on scalable, high-quality nature-based solutions, and securing future durable engineered removals.

In this webinar, experts from Carbon Direct share how you stay ahead of stakeholder demands, maximize your impact, and show your climate leadership with a future-proofed carbon credit purchasing strategy.

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Long-term success: Carbon removal strategies

Carbon removal, particularly durable solutions, is crucial for meeting global climate targets. However, the current voluntary carbon market lacks sufficient high-quality, durable solutions.

To meet the challenge, some private sector leaders are investing in multi-year purchasing, focusing on scalable, high-quality nature-based solutions, and securing future durable engineered removals.

In this webinar, experts from Carbon Direct share how you stay ahead of stakeholder demands, maximize your impact, and show your climate leadership with a future-proofed carbon credit purchasing strategy.

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Long-term success: Carbon removal strategies

Carbon removal, particularly durable solutions, is crucial for meeting global climate targets. However, the current voluntary carbon market lacks sufficient high-quality, durable solutions.

To meet the challenge, some private sector leaders are investing in multi-year purchasing, focusing on scalable, high-quality nature-based solutions, and securing future durable engineered removals.

In this webinar, experts from Carbon Direct share how you stay ahead of stakeholder demands, maximize your impact, and show your climate leadership with a future-proofed carbon credit purchasing strategy.