Alicia Calle, PhD
Senior Forest Carbon Scientist
Forest Ecology and Management + Biodiversity + Climate-smart Agriculture
Dr. Calle applies her interdisciplinary training to assess the ecological and social aspects of forest-based carbon projects.
Dr. Alicia Calle is a tropical restoration ecologist whose previous work has focused on the design and evaluation of nature-based solutions that align conservation and restoration with sustainable production. She is especially interested in agroforestry systems for their potential to generate benefits for local communities.
Previously Dr. Calle worked at The Nature Conservancy as Advisor for the Regenerative Ranching & Agriculture Strategy in Latin America. She also conducted extensive research on the social and ecological aspects of silvopastoral systems in her native Colombia. Dr. Calle is passionate about capacity development and often collaborates with Yale’s Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative on field and online training for practitioners across the tropics.
PhD, Environmental Studies
University of California, Santa Cruz
MSc, Environmental Science
Yale University
BSc, Biology
Universidad de Antioquia
Research and Innovation for Agriculture Fellow
Jean H. Langenheim Fellow in Plant Ecology and Evolution
Garden Club of America Ecological Restoration Fellow